Recap · · 4 min read

Bi-Weekly Recap: Stablecoin Carnival, Mint $SAT with Bitget Wallet and Babylon Staking

Stablecoin Carnival Second Week, Mint $SAT, and Babylon Staking explained.

Bi-Weekly Recap: Stablecoin Carnival, Mint $SAT with Bitget Wallet and Babylon Staking

Satoshi Protocol is constantly driving innovation, and this bi-weekly recap will show you what we have been up to.

To say this has been an eventful week for Bitcoin is a major understatement. For the Satoshi Protocol, it couldn't have been any different. We co-hosted the Stablecoin Carnival, providing users with a chance to get started with staking and earning tokens, an event to mint $SAT, and an in-depth article about Babylon Staking's launch, and we also participated as panelists on two Spaces.

Let's dive in!

Stablecoin Carnival (August 19 to September 2)

The Stablecoin Carnival has been running in full swing from August 19, and it will end on September 2. Participants can get started with our SAT stablecoin and earn up to 25,000 Spice rewards. 

Hosted by the BOB team in collaboration with Satoshi Protocol, this event is designed to showcase the utility of SAT across major DeFi platforms, like Sovryn DEX and Segment Finance. This carnival offers incentives and provides an accessible entry point into the evolving world of decentralized finance, demonstrating the potential of SAT. So, time to get started!

Mint $SAT with Bitget Wallet, Win 137.5M BOB Spice! (August 26, 2024 to September 15)

Satoshi Protocol joined forces with Bitget Wallet and BOB to launch the Task2Get campaign, through which participants have a chance to earn 137.5 million Spice. From August 26 to September 15, users can mint SAT stablecoins by depositing BTC, tBTC, or ETH as collateral and providing liquidity on Sovryn. 

Babylon Staking Explained: Overview of 6 BTC Staking Protocols

On August 22, 2024, Babylon launched its Staking Mainnet Phase-1, quickly reaching the 1,000 BTC cap. This protocol, designed to integrate Bitcoin into PoS systems, improves blockchain security and efficiency. Babylon's successful launch marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Bitcoin staking, and we launched this deep dive into other successful taking protocols to follow.

What is Satoshi Protocol

Satoshi Protocol is a universal stablecoin protocol backed by Bitcoin, allowing users to deposit BTC/Staked BTC/USD as collateral to mint SAT stablecoin across different blockchain, and multiple L2s.

With strategic partnerships and integrations, Satoshi hopes to unlock vast Bitcoin liquidity, paving the way for a more versatile and liquid Bitcoin economy within the DeFi space.


These are our milestones for the second half of August

Aug 18: Omni Integration revealed

Wonder what's cooking? Stay tuned!

Original Tweet

Aug 21: Stablecoin Carnival

We are participating in the Stablecoin Carnival, available until September 5. 

Get started here:

Aug 22: BiHelix Spaces

Satoshi Protocol was one of the panelists on the BiHelix Spaces about "Can BTC ecosystem challenge ETH ecosystem's dominance in DeFi?". You can listen to the full conversation here.

BiHelix Spaces

Aug 22: Spaces with BOB, Sovryn and SegmentFi

Following the second week of Stablecoin Carnival, BOB hosted a panel on Spaces, with Satoshi Protocol, Sovryn and Segment Finance.

Spaces with BOB

You can check out on the full conversation clicking here.

Aug 23: Task2Get (hosted by BOB and BitGet Wallet) 

Satoshi is present in Task2Get, an event offered by BOB and BitGet Wallet offering users the chance to get Spice through staking.

Bitget Task2Get

View the official announcement here: Mint $SAT with Bitget Wallet, Win 137.5M BOB Spice!

Aug 29: 1.5x Points for supply SAT on Segment 

Supplying SAT on Segment, our users get 1.5x points. To get started, start stacking on Segment.

1.5x spice for suppling SAT on Segment

Aug 31: Babylon Staking Overview

Following up Babylon Staking Mainnet Phase-1 launch, on August 22nd, with its 1,000 BTC staking cap being hit in just 3 hours, we published a detailed overview of the Protocol, explaining how it works.

Introducing 6 BTC staking protocols

Read the full article here: Babylon Staking Explained: Overview of 6 BTC Staking Protocols

About Satoshi Protocol

Satoshi Protocol is a universal stablecoin $SAT backed by Bitcoin. It allows users to deposit BTC as collateral to borrow the stablecoin $SAT on both Bitcoin mainnet and multiple L2s, offering many opportunities to maximize value.

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