Announcement · · 2 min read

SAT Stablecoin is Renaming to satUSD

First Universal Stablecoin backed by Bitcoin — satUSD

SAT Stablecoin is Renaming to satUSD

Dear Satoshi Protocol Community,

We are thrilled to share with you an exciting new chapter in the evolution of the Satoshi Protocol. As part of our ongoing commitment to innovation and growth, we are officially renaming our stablecoin from $SAT to satUSD

This change is more than just a name change — it is a reflection of our journey, our values, and our vision for the future of decentralized finance on Bitcoin.

Why Rename $SAT to satUSD

When we first launched $SAT, we had a clear goal: to create a stable, Bitcoin-backed asset that would work as a reliable medium of exchange within the BitcoinFi ecosystem. As the Satoshi Protocol grew and evolved, so did our understanding of what it means to be a truly "universal" stablecoin.

The name "satUSD" represents this evolution. It emphasizes our connection to Bitcoin, honoring the smallest unit of Bitcoin, the "Sat", while it highlights our stablecoin's role as a universally recognized and accepted asset, akin to the US dollar in traditional finance. 

We believe this new name will better embody the essence of what our stablecoin stands for and make a statement of where we are headed, moving forward.

What This Means for You

While the name is changing, the attributes that have made $SAT a trusted and stable asset remain the same. This is what you can expect from satUSD:

Swift Transition

The renaming process will be automatic. Your $SAT holdings will convert to satUSD without any action required on your part.

Continued Stability

satUSD will continue to be backed by Bitcoin and other assets, maintaining the same security and stability that $SAT has always provided, and that $SAT holders are comfortable with.

Greater Recognition and Adoption

As satUSD, our stablecoin will be better positioned for broader recognition and adoption across the global crypto community. This will make it easier for users and investors to understand and trust the asset.

The Journey So Far

Since its inception, Satoshi Protocol has been driven by a clear and unique vision: to bridge the world of Bitcoin with the future of DeFi.

From our early days, we have been committed to creating a stablecoin that embraces Bitcoin’s security and offers the utility needed to succeed in an evolving technological economy.

Over the past months, we have made accomplished significant advancements in our vision: 

These milestones have helped us build a stablecoin with over 200,000 users and 22,000 active addresses on the Bitcoin Layer2, all within a remarkably short time.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward with satUSD, we look forward to the new opportunities this new identity will bring, and we reaffirm our commitment to innovation, transparency, and all of the principles that have guided Satoshi Protocol forward, from day one.

We are not just renaming a stablecoin; we are strengthening our foundation for future growth, ensuring that satUSD will continue to be well positioned within the decentralized finance ecosystem on Bitcoin, and beyond.

Join Us in This New Chapter!

Your support and trust have been instrumental in getting us to where we are today, and we are very excited to continue this journey with you under the banner of satUSD.

Should you have any questions or need further information, our support team is here to assist you. You can also engage with our community on our official channels, where we’ll be sharing more updates and insights.

Thank you for being an important part of the Satoshi Protocol community. 

Together, we are building the future of finance — one satoshi at a time!

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